The trailer of the film ‘श्यामची आई’ has been released

श्यामची आई Movie

This film, which tells the story of Sane Guruji’s mother, who played a significant role in India’s struggle for independence, will soon be meeting the audience. Every mother strives to instill good values in her children from a young age, hoping to raise them well. They make efforts to ensure their sons grow up to be good individuals. However, the true meaning of a mother’s relationship with her child is revealed through Shyam’s mother.

Many of the stories from Sane Guruji’s book ‘श्यामची आई’ have been part of our curriculum. Now, this film brings to life the deep and boundless love between a mother and her child. This is Shyam’s mother. The trailer of this film has just been released, and it has captivated the hearts of the viewers. This heartwarming story will be screened in theaters on November 10th.

The entire film is presented in black and white, as shown in the trailer, with the entire cast of actors being introduced. Actress Gauri Deshpande plays the role of Shyam’s mother, while actor Om Bhutkar appears as Pandurang Sadashiv Sane, also known as Sane Guruji.

In the beginning, the mother wants to protect her son from harm, shielding him from the outside world. She does not want him to go outside without practicing. She is strict, demanding, yet loving and caring. She presents the viewers with a fascinating motherly figure.

However, along with all the strictness and love, this film also offers a glimpse into the era of India’s struggle for independence. Sane Guruji’s dedication and his interactions with the English are part of the story. They lead to the creation of a book titled ‘श्यामची आई’ , which he eventually writes. The trailer leaves a lasting impression on the audience, and it is evident that they are eagerly waiting to see the film. This film will be released during the Diwali season, and it promises to be a treat for the viewers.

श्यामची आई Movie Trailer

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